Thursday, June 12, 2014

Nigerian senator, Dahiru Kuta, dies at 65

The Senate on Thursday, announced the death of Sen. Awaisu Kuta (PDP-Niger) describing him as a vibrant, focused and dedicated lawmaker.


A statement issued by the Senate Spokesman Sen. Eyinnaya Abaribe (PDP-Abia) in Abuja, said Kuta, who until his death represented Niger East in the Senate, died at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) in the early hours of Thursday.



Abaribe, in the statement, described Kuta as one of the most resourceful senators who loved his people dearly and worked assiduously for the good of not only his state, constituency but also for the country.


“He was a Nigerian patriot par excellence. A development oriented lawmaker and one that believed and worked for oneness of the country.


“He amply exhibited this belief as chairman of the Senate Committee on Federal Character and Intergovenmental Affairs”, he said.


He said the senate condoled the government and people of Niger in particular people of Niger East Senatorial District.


“Senate prays for the repose of his soul and for God to grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss”, he said.


News Agency of Nigeria reports that Kuta’s death brings to three the number of Senators who died in the 7th Senate.


Earlier the Senate had lost Sen Gyan Danton (PDP-Plateau) and Sen Pius Ewherido (DPP-Delta)



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