Thursday, January 8, 2015

Ghanaian socialite caught with drugs bags 8 years, had connections to Top Politicians

Lawyer for Nayele Ametefe, who was handed an 8 yr Jail term for drug trafficking  has indicated that his client had the support of powerful politicians in Ghana.

The prosecutors told the court Nayele had $23,000 and an additional 6,000 Pounds in her handbag when she was arrested.

The money was payment for her courier services.

According to the prosecutors, Nayele Ametefe, whose brazen act shocked even the most notorious daredevil, was carting the cocaine to South America.

Her travel itinerary, the court was told indicated that she was leaving the United Kingdom two days after her arrival, for the Dominican Republic.

The 12 kilograms of cocaine was, therefore, not meant to be consumed in the UK.

Nayele Ametefe also known as Ruby Adu Gyamfi, 32, was arrested at Heathrow Airport with 12kg of cocaine on November 16, 2014. The forensic analysis on the cocaine showed a 79% purity and a street value of about 1.8 million Pounds.

At the court in the United Kingdom (UK), Nayele was handed an eight-year eight months jail term.

Reports indicate that lawyer for Nayele, Mr James Scoobie told judges his client became vulnerable in 2004 because she came into contact with some key people in government.

Even though he didn’t mention names, he added that Nayele came from a poor background and so after breaking up with her husband, she needed to support and take care of her three children.

“She met a friend who introduced her to high personalities in society in Ghana after breaking up with her husband in 2004. The friend she met in 2004 had close links with key people in government. At the time and she was vulnerable and needed to protect her children and so she accepted most of the things that came her way. Her companion also supported her lifestyle; flying first class and so on. Her friend also introduced her to people having political power in Ghana…” the lawyer said.

According to her lawyer, he needed to put out this information to stop the rumours that were going on back in Ghana.

How she got involved with Cocaine business

Nayele came in contact with a Ghanaian business woman in her late fifties (name withheld) and was given a business proposal.

Nayele's counsel further stated that his client engaged herself in the business to support her newly attained high class lifestyle and to take care of her three children due to the amount of money involved.

According to her lawyer, unbeknownst to Nayele, the package given to her by the woman was cocaine and that led to her arrest at the Heathrow Airport.

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