Friday, May 27, 2016

4 Best Ways To Catch A Cheating Spouse

Do you suspect that your partner is cheating? If so, how do you find out if your suspicions are warranted? Simply asking someone is seldom effective. After all, the very act of cheating suggests that you may be dealing with someone who’s dishonest. If they’re willing to cheat, they’re also most likely going to lie about it. So let’s look at 5 effective ways to catch a partner who’s cheating on you.
1.Be a social media spy. One of the simplest ways to find evidence is to check the person’s Facebook activity. Ideally, you should log onto the person’s actual account. Cheaters, however, are usually careful about hiding their passwords. You can often find clues, however, by doing some social media snooping from your own account. You may not be able to access private messages, but you can see if someone new is suddenly liking or commenting on everything your partner does. If so, check this person’s profile. If your partner is careless, you may even find photos of the two of them together.
2. Check the phone. Frequent calls or texts are one of the most obvious signs of cheating. If you have a chance to scroll through text messages and photos, you might find all the evidence you need within seconds. On the other hand, if your partner is diligent about not leaving the phone around, this may also be a sign of cheating. A good time to check the phone is when it’s being charged. Of course, if your partner is careful, he or she may be hiding a second phone.
3. Check online reviews. If your partner likes to review restaurants, movies or other businesses listed on sites, you may be able to find clues of cheating. If you see reviews of places you’ve never been together, this may be where he or she is going with someone else.
4. Change your routine. One way to catch your partner in the act is by coming home at an unexpected time. You might also show up at his or her place of work unannounced. Keep in mind, however, that it can be shocking to actually catch your partner with someone.

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