Wednesday, June 8, 2016

3 Things You Should Never Do When You Catch Your Man Cheating

Many ladies are in relationships and they keep asking questions just to be sure they are doing the right thing or taking the right step. I must say I admire that because when you do not know and you ask questions most times you are guided properly but other times you could be led into the gutter.

I have been in various conversations when ladies are asked if you find your man cheating what will you do. And then most of them give replies like I will walk away and never turn back, that’s modest but how many of us will walk away and feel that walking away was right and not want to blow the dust?

Below are the 3 things you should never do when you catch your man cheating on you

Why will you want to do that. Most times this is the first step people think of, but NOOO!! You should be able to guide your worth, act the mature one and do not even make the lady realize you are aware of her existence. If the foundation of the relationship is right and you committed it to God at the beginning take it back to him as he is the only one who can solve the puzzle. Your mouth does not have the ability to change a man.

This is one thing many ladies tend to do when they are faced with the issue of their man cheating on them. Remember, if you condemn him in the public it is more or less like washing your dirty linen outside, which should not be so. Bad character does not hide itself, do not go around wasting your valued time spreading stories to the world on how he is the worst person ever when you could invest it in doing better things. With silence you will give yourself the respect you deserve.

Love and more love. Love is sweet but never allow the sweetness turn you to being foolish with your actions. He has wronged you, do not let him brain wash your thoughts by saying “no I did not do that, I was just….” and then you go saying I am sorry. That’s psychology he just used on you, do not apologize for the wrong he did, not when you saw it with your own eyes.

(Source: Uju Chukwu)

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