Friday, June 17, 2016

EME's first lady Niyola clears the air on dating her boss Banky W

EME’s First Lady Niyola had a chat with the Genevieve Magazine team recently and while there she talked about those Banky W rumours, the fact that some people say she is underrated, her beauty regimen and more.

See excerpts below.

On her current challenges as a woman: Being expected to see myself as incomplete because I am not married or remotely bothered that I am not and being pressured to feel so.

On if she is dating: I am very single.

On if she dated Banky W: I don’t live in Banky’s house and no we never dated.

On being described as underrated: As I always say , success is relative . I know my fans love and appreciate my art. My music is not for everybody and so it’s ok if a select number appreciate it.

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