Friday, September 9, 2016

8 Annoying Text Messages You Wish Would Stop

Image result for 8 Annoying Text Messages We Wish Will Stop

The use of WhatsApp has taken away one cheap way of communicating in the past using cellphones which is text messaging.

Back in the day, people will normally text if they need to deliver a little message which they feel will cost them more money using voice. It was fun and cheap but it’s not been in use like it was in the past due to instant messaging with Whatsapp and other messaging apps.

Even though people don’t use them now, we keep getting messages via text occasionally. There are, however, some text messages we wish will stop. They are annoying, irritating, and can cause us undue pressure.

1. Network Messages

Telecom networks constantly bombard our phones with messages every time talking about one thing or the other. It’s so annoying. There’s nothing more annoying than those ones that say you have no call credit or you’ve exhausted all or a certain percentage of your bundle allocation.

2. Promotional Messages

These messages are sent to promote a product, event, or a service. They are very unsolicited and they can get annoying. Sometimes you receive about 10 of such messages every single day. The annoying thing is that they come from individuals and companies you’ve not even visited spoken to before.

3. Messages To Subscribe To A Service or Product

There are various services and products offered by telcos and they use Text messaging to get subscribers up to speed with them. Some are promoting internet packages, celebrity voice notes services, bible quotation services etc.

4. Fraud Messages

These form the biggest of the annoying messages we receive. Fraudsters use text messaging to send messages to users telling them they’ve won in some promotion. You’re then asked to call a certain number to redeem your prize. Some even use short codes for this act.

5. Messages From Your Landlord

There’s nothing more pressurizing than receiving a message from your landlord. Because they don’t normally communicate with you on daily basis, a message from them means just one thing, rent.

6. Bank Messages

It’s annoying when you’re expecting a deposit in your account then the bank sends you a message about a service, maintenance, or well wishes on a special occasion. They also send messages to introduce certain services to you like utility payment etc.

7. Mobile Money Messages Of Promotion

Have you been expecting a message of mobile money deposit only to receive a mobile money message telling you about recharging your phone with the service? This can get you so mad. We know we can do that already, don’t keep sending us that kind of message every time.

8. Wedding Invitation

Who in heavens name started this trend? So people pay for their wedding invitations to be sent to all their friends on the various networks. Unfortunately, these end up being sent to even subscribers who do not know these individuals from Adam or who are in no way interested in the occasions since it has nothing to do with them. Abuse of technology.

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