Thursday, September 8, 2016

8 ways to appear more attractive than you are

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You may feel that there's little you can do to change how attractive you are. However, there are small changes that anyone can do with little time and effort that can influence the way people perceive how attractive you are.

Do these 8 things to make people think you're more attractive than you actually are.

Avoid small talk

Experiments have been done that compare people who talk about surface issues with people who talk about deeper topics. These studies show that people who talk about themselves, their beliefs or their passions believe that their partners are more attractive than those who discuss the weather or other shallow subjects.

  • Eye contact

    When you meet someone new, note what color their eyes are. You will look into their eyes just a bit more than you normally would. That extra eye contact can make you appealing to the other person.
  • Personal Hygiene

    There's no accounting for what a good shower can do for your attractiveness. You smell better, your hair looks nicer, and it shows that you value yourself. Also, don't forget to brush those teeth, trim that beard, and use deodorant. These things will do wonders.
  • Hand Gestures

    People rate those who use hand gestures as more engaging and confident, characteristics that are valued. Use hand gestures to up your attractiveness.
  • Dress well

    You might not have control over how your nose looks (barring any plastic surgery related modifications), but you can decide what clothes go on your body. Believe it or not, what you choose to wear has a great effect on the level of your attractiveness. In fact, even if you're not a particularly gorgeous gal, people will think you're more attractive if you dress well.
  • Smile

    People who smile are rated as more attractive than those who don't so if you want to be better looking, just show those pearly whites.
  • Play hard to get

    At least for men, this can be a useful tactic. Studies show that women are more likely to be interested in men when they can't figure out whether or not he's interested in them. It's hypothesized that this is because women think a lot about the guy while trying to figure out if he likes them. Because she is thinking so much about the guy, the she concludes that she must like him.
  • Smell good

    Having a nice scent triggers people's brains to make you seem more attractive over all. A small spritz of perfume or cologne can make you seem better looking.

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