Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Maje Ayida's First Baby Mama Supports Toke Makinwa - He Has Never Met His Son

Trinidad and Tobago model and OAP, Crystal Cunningham says her baby daddy, Maje Ayida has never met their son, Ajani, in person.

Crystal revealed that Maje rarely provided financial support for their son and she has been majorly responsible for him. 

Crystal said, ''He has never seen Ajani in person, but that's another story." She said they only communicate via Skype (video call). Although he occasionally reached out over the past 6 years and occasionally supported financially, ''he has been reaching out more often in recent times.''

"Maje contacted us on Saturday for Ajani's birthday right after I made a post about it on Instagram. He is only now reaching out more because of the media attention."

Asked to comment on Maje's lawsuit against estranged wife Toke Makinwa, Crystal said, "I think it's very unfair of Maje to be suing someone for money...to donate to charity ...when charity begins at home...with your own...smh"

Maje wants the N100million from his lawsuit against Toke Makinwa to be shared between 4 charities when he wins.

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