Saturday, October 15, 2016

6 ways to feel truly happy when life is crumbling apart

The world is filled with what feels like endless pitfalls, disappointments and despair. When living in a world full of corruption, dead ends and challenges, it's hard to chin up and be optimistic for what the future holds.

The truth is, no matter the trials and challenges we are faced with in life, we can be happy in every situation. Being happy requires focusing on the good aspects of life, rather than the present, dreary circumstances that surround us. If we focus on these six things, we will be able to find joy, despite all of life's troubles.

Work and learn
Working and learning go hand in hand in finding happiness. By focusing our attention on learning through good and hard work, we will be able to be much happier. Work will distract us from the trials of life and let us focus on doing something that can help our lives and the lives around us. By filling our lives with learning and good work we are led to be happier.

Search and pray
Happiness is found anywhere as long as we take the time to seek it out. Searching for people we are happy with and places with good environments will allow us to be happier. In our search for happiness, the last thing we want to do is be in situations that will deter us from finding joy. Otherwise, we will never find it. Prayer works actively with searching for happiness, because sometimes we get lost. We may feel like we can never find joy. Prayer allows us to communicate with God. When we put our trust in him, he can guide us to find the happiness we are seeking. Most of all, when we pray, God will give us comfort and that comfort is the foundation to seeking and finding happiness.

Repent and improve
Through prayer we can confess and repent of our sins to God and he will forgive us. Repentance leads us to happiness because we longer dwell on unhappy things or circumstances that are bringing us down. Once we turn away from sin and unhappiness we can work on improving our lives. To be human means to be in a constant state of improvement. We won't ever be perfect and we may not always be happy but by improving our lives and circumstances, we can find more things to be happy about.

Nurture your spouse
Happiness is found by caring for and encouraging your spouse. Nurturing your spouse will improve your marriage and allow you to grow and become better, happier people together. Loving and caring for your spouse is essential to maintaining happiness. If there is contention between you and your spouse, there is no room for happiness. Work through your problems together and communicate often so you will be able to grow and overcome your trials. Doing these things will allow you to find joy and happiness in your marriage.

Guide your children
Children bring light and joy into their parent's lives. The definition of happiness is changed when there are little children in the home. Children can be pure bundles of joy one minute and little terrors the next. They are still learning about this great big world and how to navigate and understand it. It's the parent's role to teach right from wrong, but no matter how much we think we know or try to teach our children about life, somehow they are still able to teach us. By guiding and leading our children to make good choices, we are filled with overwhelming happiness when they make a right choice on their own. Their pure, sweet and innocent souls can only bring happiness into parents' lives.

We will never be happy if we cannot forgive or be forgiven. If we do not forgive we wallow in bitterness and guilt. It's better to humble yourself and forgive someone who has wronged you or ask forgiveness of someone you have wronged than maintain ill feelings toward them. Forgiveness isn't easy but it is necessary if we happiness. Let go of things that are holding you back. Be the one willing to take the first step in mending a relationship and healing hurt feelings. Forgiveness will set you free and fill you with relief. It will allow happiness and joy to be with you always.

Happiness is found in the simplest of things if you are actively seeking for it. Have faith that you can overcome the challenges you're faced with now. If we improve ourselves little by little, we will be able to find joy during even the hardest of times.

(Source: Callie Hansen)

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