Monday, November 21, 2016

Freeze and his colleague Do2dtun come for each other online

It all started with Freeze adding his 2 cents to an initial statement was attributed to businessman, former Head of Sales of Smile Communications, now Sales Director at Internet Solutions, Chiekezi Dozie.

See below the post that started the debate

Responding to Freeze’s comments, Dotun called him out as “going out of line and losing focus”.

 See Dotun' post below
This isn't out of any classification of words or belief but out of something I utterly see as a Lil disrespectful and out of context. I'll address it. @daddyfreeze I have known you for a few years right from the days of seemingly finding my feet in broadcasting to this very day of God's lift and I have never exchanged my standard with bringing you down but THIS! your piece about YORUBA WOMEN is absolutely classless. I have been your cheerleader from day 1, called u tonnes of times on the things you write about especially when it is out of line just to hear your side but THIS!! Haba! You have a daughter and sister like I do that are YORUBA. Are yours unclean, disrespectful, are they failing in their marriage, argues a lot, don't treat their husband better, not beautiful, problematic, not sexy; ?????? Opinions are ultimately determined by feelings or personal experiences and not by the intellect. It still does not mean what isn't good for the goose can't be good for the gander. Freeze you are going out of line and losing focus and it affects a few of us that look up to you. Write your piece and enjoy it but don't disregard our positions as brothers, dads, husbands to YORUBA women. If yours wasn't good doesn't mean ours won't be especially when it isn't in your place to generalize. You will say it's your opinion, well this is mine too. Galatians 1:10 - For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ. You are great at what you do but stop pleasing this people or maybe yourself cos it's a Lil selfish and puts all of us in the most awkward position. Why do I have to answer to questions of "what is wrong with freeze" .. well, I don't know about what is wrong with you, I just know something is wrong with your piece about YORUBA WOMEN. Take care and have a blessed Sunday. I am HUMAN #AllTribeRock #iLLEGAL
A photo posted by Do2dtun ® (@do2dtun) on

Freeze has responded again. Read below.

Dear @do2dtun, I just saw your write up and I must say, it did come across as somewhat disrespectful. However, like you clearly pointed out, we come a long way & the respect is mutual.

Let me start first by defining a cognitive bias called the ‘Negativity bias’ Where people tend to pay more attention to bad news — and it’s not just because we’re morbid. Social scientists theorize that it’s on account of our selective attention and that, given the choice, we perceive negative news as being more important or profound…..

I didn’t in anyway say Yoruba girls are dirty or disrespectful, I only said Igbo girls are cleaner & more respectful. If you didn’t have this Negativity bias against me, you probably won’t see the argument from the angle you did. If I say that Bill Gates is richer than Dangote, have I in anyway said Dangote was poor? Hell NO!

We ask for freedom of speech and democracy, but we can never achieve either, if every opinion shared is turned into a ‘hate’ statement or a ‘racial slur’.

I opened up a discussion after a post I saw on Chiekezi Dozie’s page, discussing the same thing my neighbors were arguing about all afternoon, and I asked for contributions, which I am sure you could have done a little less dramatically, but hey, I guess you were upset. In my write up, I clearly stated that my opinion is based on my university and young bachelorhood experiences. I cannot undo my past and I cannot ‘Un-live’ my experiences, if I had an opportunity to, maybe I could be of a different opinion, but you can’t unring a bell, they say.
For the sake of those who missed my initial point, here it is again, when viewing a situation, lets be objective because sometimes we bring out trouble that was never there in the first place.

One love bro!


My initial write I kinda agree..especially since I am Yoruba myself…From my ‘little’ experience, gathered during my university days and early bachelorhood and with body count on both sides, (before I gave my life to Christ), I can, through my own experience, say that Igbo girls are so much cleaner, more respectful, value marriage more, less argumentative and problematic, treat husbands….

Dotun has also taken to Instagram to respond to Freeze’s post. See below:

We don’t eat from banters. Na food be that? 
Ko kan aiye mehn! There are so many things we haven’t seen in our lifetime that we still pray to God to give us, we don’t find them in stereotypical statements, comments or opinions. It’s in the BANK. The word “it is my opinion” has been the most overused line in this day and age. Someone wants to defend something that is clearly stupid, unrealistic then it is allowed. Every man should have a boundary and if we must say all the things on our mind, na die be that. You are not what you write, you are what you do. When someone represents all of us and decides to lose the ball every time then you will know what I mean. Let’s all demonstrate what’s possible, create leaders and not followers. Aiye! kan lo wa …. am I allowed to say this is my opinion too. Honestly, nobody cares! … pls who you epp? You don baff? 😂 No time.#DemonsOfAllTribeMatter

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